Sunday, 7 September 2014

The Single Girl's To-Do List by Lindsey Kelk

Title: The Single Girl's To-Do List
Author: Lindsey Kelk
Published: June 2011

Rachel Summers loves a to-do list:

• Boyfriend
• Flat
• Great job

NOT on the list:

• Being dumped

Best friends Emelie and Matthew ride to her rescue with an entirely new kind of list – The Single Girl’s To-Do List. Rachel doesn’t know it, but it will take her on all kinds of wild adventures – and get her in some romantic pickles too. And then it won't be a case of what but who she decides to tick off…

• Mr. bendy yoga instructor
• Mr. teenage sweetheart
• Mr. persistent ex
• Mr. deeply unsuitable

The Single Girl’s To-Do List gives Rachel the perfect heartbreak cure – and proves love is out there if you’re willing to take a chance.

Rating: 4 Stars

So I really loved The Single Girl's To-Do List. It was a great, light-hearted read, just the perfect thing for a lazy weekend as summer draws to a close. 

If you stop any girl on the street I'm certain she'll have at least one bad break up story she could tell you, but Rachel the main character really does get the worst break up. I mean I've had bad, but I would legitimately castrate the man who did that to me. 

So of course while Rachel licks her wounds her best friends come up with the perfect idea. Let's create a single girl's to-do list, and you're not officially single until you've ticked all ten items off the list. 

The list was a little disappointing personally. I'm not exactly a serial dater myself, but neither do I spend all my time being single, and I've already completed seven out of ten items on the list. Some of them are a standard that I automatically do whenever a relationship breaks down, but I think that for Rachel's character it was quite a good list. In which she completely creates herself and is a bit like a phoenix being reborn from the ashes, bigger, stronger and better than before. 

However as we know with chicklit (oh how I hate that phrase or word or whatever) we need a few laughs. And as such Rachel's list leads her to have four potential suitors, as well as some beautiful drama at The Savoy. The ending was somewhat predictable, but then again don't we always get a similar ending with these kinds of stories? And while I would have been perfectly happy not to have that little epilogue bit at the end, I had to love that last little to-do list. It really did make me laugh out loud.

What I liked most though was that this story wasn't just about weathering a break up and learning how to be single, it was more about learning how to recognise what you want and how to make yourself happy. And most importantly it's about not settling for anything less than what you deserve. 

Would I recommend this book? Definitely. I really really enjoyed it, and will have to read more of Lindsey Kelk's work in future.

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